People's perception of products have always been what the media illustrates to the people through the media. Its no surprise sometimes when you go to the store and immediately you are influenced by an ad that you may have seen earlier or from an indirect source. That is called pulling your strings to get you to make a quick decisions based on a visual representation or just by mere glamour. Its the job of the media and there little tricks to get you to buy there products, never disclosing the full product information. We all know what it feels like to be pushed into a decision based on just limited information. The television commercials are notorious for that kind of influence to the mass's. To many marketers is no big thing to mis-lead people and even manipulate you to think what they want you to think, it's there objective.
Take a Moment
Always take a moment and think about what is going on and then make a final judgment by just saying no. Really say no and that alone will give you time to see what its about from looking outside the presure of buying any product of any kind. Its almost like letting other people try it before you to see if what they promise is in fact true and its almost having a lab rat to test what your interested in. Just to get the information you need to make sure you are not being taken advantage of or mislead with promises that are being said or disclosed to you. Being a consumer , we are all at risk everyday when we purchase merchandise or in fact anything at all. Most of the time we are being taken advantage of the people we trust already like family ,friends ,but most of all the government , but that is besides the point im making here. Im talking about the companies that surround us with out everyday products.
Be a Better Shopper
In the long run you will see that , you decisions on making that major purchase or any kind at all would be more less likely to end up making you pissed off at your self and others. Its a kind defense, using information to benefit you. There are so many ways to get the information you need to research the products you buy.
Resources that you need
The Internet for one, its the number source of information in the world that is endless, boundless. Which is where you will find 99% of the information you need and the other 1% through your network of friends or family. Its a gathering of information to see what the pros and cons are to anything at all. One good source is consumer reports , where you can find most products to stay away from. But realistically you just need you gut and wit to know sometimes.
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