Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Should the U.S. Intervene In Libya

Its seems that the attentions of the country is turning its heads toward the economic and political unrest of the many countries abroad. yes we should be concerned but to intervene within the countries like we have in Iraq may not be the best interests of the world. There are so many reasons not to get in involved and yet only but a few,  too do so.The leader of the countries obviously has been in power for more than 4 decades and that may be one reason many countries that permit a leader to be in power for to long become frail and weak within.Countries that have no solid foundation within the government and people that reside within it, usually result in corruption and with no economic structure to keep it functioning. But yet we all know that there are many other countries that are within these same circumstances who have yet to understand the importance of a solid state structure to support the people within it. I beleive that the U.S. should let there country resolve there issuues on there own regardless of intersts we have there. One reason is that we are not in any condition for war bound, Iraq war costed us way to much and still is, Afganistan war is but another hit.

There are so many issues here at home that need to be addressed before we can think about fighting wars that have gotten this country deeper into more problems because we can not take the responsibility here a priority.