Heard of twitter? I'm sure many have and its a very useful tool too many that have tried it. Some although have a tough time understanding the concept twitter has because of typical messaging format we have all been use too already with yahoo messenger or Aim ,,etc. From all over the world twitter has become very popular than any other web site on the web. Marketers and business are rushing to use there popular message service to reach the mass's. The concept is very simple to type in a few words up too 140 characters to your prospective followers. If you don't have any followers you would have to get some in order to get people within your network that your messages will reach. We are all trying to find new ways to reach and communicate with each other this maybe the revolution. If you havent tried twitter yet you should give it a tweet and see what its all about. Modifications to the site are happening all the time, so some parts of the site are changing constantly. With so many social networking sites around this maybe a good alternative?
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