Tag team against the search Giant Google , Is this gonna be enough to take control of the content control of the Internet? This particular subject has caught attention a while ago when Microsoft was getting a take over bid to take control of yahoo but was unsuccessful. With Internet security at risk all the time it would be an addition to know that the big players will do what they can to keep the content safe, you would think though , right?
People from all around the world are watching this closely because it how the Internet content is being used and directed to the Mass's that affects us all. Stand and deliver to the giants of the Internet world who want your content , your searches derived through them and so the war begins. These players are no surprise to anyone , with so many new comers as well. Small players in the industry may take down these players any time with so many new ideas being brought about. Time will tell what happens, but in the meantime we all must pick our favorites and be glad that a little competition never hurt anyone , just makes us all better in the long run.