Monday, February 28, 2011

The Force Within !

The most common understanding of the human mind is the concept of learning and understanding what is what isn't. But The Basics of what makes you who you are is the connections that you make throughout your life. Through those connections you will see how they affect you within your mind, Body, and even spirit. Giving the proposition that we all have a positive upbringing then you can not deny that you as a human being has a responsibility to yourself and to others to give back to humanity in any way possible. In giving back you may think its just a way of donating your money, or even time. It can go beyond time and even money , its through intervention of  mind , Your mind and others that your connect with intellectually.
Our Minds are the cornerstone to the barriers to the world we see, but through the minds adaptation of  those barriers can be uplifted giving you and me something to see beyond the hills, and mountains. Weather it be a goal to achieve,or a personal understanding of oneself. Understanding that your mind can get you a step further with in any task that you have challenged your self with. In doing so you must understand that in this world we live in there are forces that make you who you are and forces that make up this world we live in. Of course these principals are in place to give you some sort of matter of existence, something to feel and touch with. All matter is and will always be recycled through the time continuum, its what makes existence possible for time to continue here and everywhere in the space spectrum. Time is and will forever be a way everything is connected through its means( which is how we all perceive time ) for interaction with. Your daily interaction with and even your perception of things have altered the world ( Mentally) through your social relationships.
Our condition is the product of the relationships we make within our lives and dictate through any other connections we make with others. Influence of how we perceive our selves and others are channeled through our own networks. Life is in fact what we make of it, in essence. 

Move mountains with your minds and through the eyes of others your shaping their world!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Looking on how to utilize your website and make traffic come to you rather you spill your hard earned money on advertising and find that you are getting no where. back links work in a way of information worthy content. yes content drives most traffic on the internet. so if you don't have much of it then you must consider it if you want traffic to your site. Google the biggest search has ranked people on these algorithms. makes sense though if you looking for information you will be directed on the search the most relative to your search terms based on content. Many people think they can just buy there way to high search ranking . but that may work temporarily , and may be looked at as a more harmful way to be blacklisted by Google for using such methods. back links should always be used within articles you create about your site or within your site to give more valuable stance within your content. always think of creating content that will give you the best leverage and never think that it wont make much of a difference. Most website owners who have owned a website for many years already know the importance of back links to there sites and always updating there content within. keeping up to date is all but necessary to let the users know that they are getting fresh content. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt's Independance

Egypt's leap forward in the making. A country that  finding its way out of its own so called dictatorship. It sure is pointing that direction. Country wants a fresh start to a new beginning and find themselves once more as a people. Egypt's people must be proud for this moment in history, its the voices of the people that must shape there country cornerstones, and their path to independence.Egypt's country has many resources that will get them back on track very quickly into a economic rebound. Considering that they have been isolated from the world in this time of transition. Its been the first time in history that a country has shut off there internet entirely due to a political views crashing and country economic wheel literally stalling. Its through the misfortunes of other countries that we our selves who watch from afar can get a understanding of what brings change to a country. Is it through this kind of drastic change other parts of the world must follow?

Power to the People of the WORLD!