Its been heard of many times over that social networking sites attract so many people and for many reasons. One main site called Facebook has reported a 300 millions user base. To top it off this site is reports a revenue base cash positive as well which is an added bonus. A new application is now going to launch to make voice chat possible. If you have ever been to the site you may notice that there are tons of application that are used. Keeping in touch with people may they be friends or family it always a useful tool to keep in touch with the world. On facebook there are games that attract so many users that these applications have a hard time as well keeping its servers busy. Top games that i have noticed that get allot of attention there are Farm Town, And Vampire wars, lastly Roller Coaster.If you haven't been to Facebook and want to know more about this social networking site then I'm sure once you get there it'll captivate you. In todays Technology world the streams of infomation are running like wild fire thorugh the social networking market.